Using words or poetry "bombs" as weapons, we engage in a subversive guerilla fight for diversity, equity, and inclusion.

History of Peaceful Protest

Words are everywhere. We read them without even realizing. Like breathing. Graffiti artists have long taken advantage of this – they paint  tags in places where they know people will see them. While we’re not interested in defacing property, we’re inspired. 

We are also inspired by yarn bombing. Yarn bombing began in 2005 in Houston, TX.  Part civil disobedience like graffiti and part comforting works of art, the yarn bombing movement moved from simple to worldwide innovation.

Our Mission

To make an impact in the community, sometimes you have to break everyday norms, disrupt the process of everyday thinking. Rebel writers fight against bias by leaving poetry “bombs” in places you least expect. We aim to break the chains of your regular train of thought, to make you reflect on diversity, and inspire action to help your community. 

Poetry 'bombs," when placed in high-traffic, public locations, have the potential to reach thousands of people every day, over and over again. 

How can I be a rebel-writer?

Step 1

Print or write out on a sticky-backed notepaper or any type of paper an inspiring poem that promotes and encourages kindness, understanding, and education about other people, backgrounds, and cultures. This is your poetry "bomb."

Step 2

Place the poetry "bomb" somewhere people least expect it: where their brain has to do a double-take to comprehend it. At a bus stop. Inside a menu. In a random library book. The back of a restroom door at the gas station. Anywhere! The more random, the better the shock value at reading beautiful words of wonder and change.

Step 3

Enjoy the silent explosion of minds thinking, contemplating. Changing. The first step towards achieving harmony and fighting bias is by changing people’s mindsets. Words can change people and how they think. 

Take a picture of your poetry "bomb" and send it to us at

Can Poetry Change the World?

The son of migrant farm workers, Juan Felipe Herrera was named California's Poet Laureate in 2021 and the US Poet Laureate in 2015. Herrera answers the question, "Can poetry change the world?" "Yes, indeed, a poem can bring about radical change . . . Maybe you share it for a minute but in that minute someone may be listening. And in that moment we both are changing."

Statistics for Change

Let's be the change that we want to see now and for the future. We can make a difference by being different. Embracing our uniqueness is an advantage and it's important for companies and organizations to understand this.

Let's work for it

45% of American workers experienced discrimination and/or harassment in the past year (Gallup)

Diversity makes cents

Companies with higher diversity had 19% higher revenues (Harvard Business Review)

Exclusive on Inclusivity

When employees feel they belong, there’s a 56% increase in job performance ( 

It's the future

By 2044 the US will be a multi-ethnic majority country (National Utilities Diversity Council)

Help us continue our work

We are a mighty group of young and old people trying to make an impact on the world. We would love to start a conversation with you.

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